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Owen Sound, Ontario N4K 4M9



Owen Sound




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We well composting worms and worm bins. We also sell worm castings.

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compost in just over 2 minutes. Composting is for evyorene so watch and learn how to compost now. This is a how to video on composting by Clean Air Gardening which shows you step by step instructio =videos&app=youtube_gdata&showsearch=0&rel=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"


garden center.a0 That was years ago bofere I had my own compost pile.a0 Now, I have 3 piles and a tumbler (homemade, of course).a0 You can plant directly in compost if it's of good quality.a0 I'll tell


(Back to Basics Growing) (Paperback) As the `green' movement moves to mansetriam life, many people ask the question, `What more can I do to reduce my carbon footprint and help the environment?' Enter composting! Author Kelly Smith gives the `whys', `hows', and `wheres' in her new book (which is printed on recycled paper), How to Build, Maintain, and Use a Compost System: Secrets and Techniques You Need to Know to Grow the Best Vegetables . How to Build, Maintain, and Use a Compost System is an organized and comprehensive discussion on all things compostable. Smith begins by introducing the beginner to the subject with vivid descriptions and lots of possibilities. The benefits as well as potential issues are also discussed as well as myths and answers to a myriad of questions. She also gives plenty of options that range from the inexpensive set ups to store bought systems. Sidebar articles from people who compost regularly are also included to give readers various viewpoints on the subject. Further, the extensive appendices offer helpful sources for additional reading, finding others in your community that also compost, a glossary of terms, and places to purchase composting items. I found the book to be exceptionally thorough on what goes into composting. There was probably more than I've ever thought I'd want to know but reading from the perspective of someone with no background or knowledge on the subject, it was a perfect introduction. Smith's clear descriptions as well as her pictures assisted greatly in understanding what exactly she was trying to convey while her obvious passion got me excited about starting a compost pile of my own. I especially liked the included building plans for an enclosed system; I think this is something many people who wouldn't otherwise want an open pile of decaying matter in their yard would be extremely interested in having. She not only takes the concept of `living green' into account but aesthetics as well. Good for the environment, less garbage trucked to landfills, readymade fertilizer for your garden these are all benefits from the simple act of composting. Large yard or small plot and even no yard at all, How to Build, Maintain, and Use a Compost System: Secrets and Techniques You Need to Know to Grow the Best Vegetables gives you the down and dirty on how to get started and do your part! Reviewed by Vicki Landes, author of Europe for the Senses A Photographic Journal

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