Christina gave all those she touched the most human right .. to HOPE and BELIEVE ..Christina lived Corenthians 13.7 each and every day of her life . Charity .. bears all thgins believes all thgins, hopes all thgins and endure all thgins Her message was always: Believe in yourselves, have faith in your abilities .Christina will continue to live in all of us; providing us with her Light and giving each of us a place of peace and calm. How blessed we all are for having such a remarkable, compassionate and our very own Earth Angel; now our Heavenly Angel continuing to guide us toward The Light enjoying each and every day to the fullest, showing kindnesses to those less fortunate and laugh out loud !!!!! and BELIEVE ..
Christine Genco
My husband works near Selden. Can he come by and get worms for the garden? Address? Hours you are open?
Christina gave all those she touched the most human right .. to HOPE and BELIEVE ..Christina lived Corenthians 13.7 each and every day of her life . Charity .. bears all thgins believes all thgins, hopes all thgins and endure all thgins Her message was always: Believe in yourselves, have faith in your abilities .Christina will continue to live in all of us; providing us with her Light and giving each of us a place of peace and calm. How blessed we all are for having such a remarkable, compassionate and our very own Earth Angel; now our Heavenly Angel continuing to guide us toward The Light enjoying each and every day to the fullest, showing kindnesses to those less fortunate and laugh out loud !!!!! and BELIEVE ..