Add Worm FarmHappy Camp Worms

Driving Directions Driving Directions 155 North Lake Ave,
Pasadena, California 91101

United States of America






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Red Wriggers are available for worm composting; pick-up in San Gabriel Valley. Emailing is the best way to reach me.

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Tim Craig

I was wondering what your hours are and when it would be possible to stop by and purchase some worms. I live in Pasadena Glen.


TWO LITTLE GIRLS IN TWO RELIGIOUS MOVIESAt this year's turning-point, plpeoe with different faiths are celebrating Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa etc. Two very religious films coincide with this holiday season: “Bee Season” and “The Chronicles of Narnia.” In these two films, two little girls pluck up the courage to save their worlds, to stand out, being different from other beings around them. Respectively, they are young actress Flora Cross, who is Eliza in “Bee Season” in a Jewish family; and Georgie Henley, who is Lucy in “The Chronicles of Narnia,” based on C. S. Lewis’ Christian allegory.The prelude for the audience in “Bee Season” presents an ostensibly harmonious family riding in a car, that moves around on the smooth road The music’s movements are as the waves in the ocean. Eliza is watching outside through the vehicle’s windows. Only she pays attention to a big “A” which is hung outside of a helicopter. This plane flies in search of the destination for “A.” Finally we see the letter “A” being inserted in the landmark sign “OAKL ND;” however, this story goes beyond spelling contests.Saul Naumann (Richard Gere) is the father of this upper crust family. Saul is not only teaching Jewish theology, but also a true follower of Kabbalah, which makes him believe that words create the reality. He pursues spiritual perfection. When he finds that his younger daughter is able to exist with words, not by memorizing, but by seeing them, he decides to “train” Eliza to the highest religious level.Now the Naumann family collapses because of this tension. His son is being put aside by Saul instead of playing an instrument with his father formerly, he is recruited by another religion group. Following an illusion, the mother feels that she is repairing the world when she actually is stealing inexpensive jewelry. Saul is so focused on his prodigy daughter, that he does not notice any change in the family.Eliza observes subtle elements, senses that she might have altered the steadiness of her home. She wins the championship from the bottom to the toughest competition. On the evening before the big challenge, she encounters the experiment that the ordinary plpeoe cannot reach all the “words” circle her until she is struck on the floor. Awakening next morning, she makes her own decision. When she confronts the last competitor, she gives the wrong answer. In the end she and her brother embrace their father who cries in public immaturely.C. S. Lewis liked to instill Christianity into his writings, he also interpreted theology within his stories. Little Lucy is a good example, Lucy is the youngest one among her four siblings. Without Lucy’s entrance to the backdrop of “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe,” nobody could enter the significant episodes to witness all the touching experiences. Certainly the repentance, the sacrifice, and redemption is not possible to occur.Lucy is honest, innocent, kind of too naive to recognize the insidious mankind. When playing the game of hide and seek, Lucy accidentally falls into a forbidden “wardrobe,” she meets a faun Mr. Tumnus. Her gentle nature makes her forget keeping a distance from this stranger. Lucy accepts Mr. Tumnus’ invitation to his house for tea. In fact, a witch has ordered this faun to turn in all humans. Mr. Tumnus appreciates Lucy’s friendship, decides not to obey his master, hence he tells Lucy to leave.Another plot point is when the symbol of the Christ, the lion, dies on a big rock, Lucy is extremely heartbroken, she weeps and does not escape to abandon her friend, although she does not understand why the lion has died for her brother. This scene matches the description about Jesus’ death in the New Testament. Lucy’s deeds fits two verses in the Book of Matthew as well “Unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven,” “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”Presently our earth is divided: Being holy or secular, being sanctified or commercialized, pro or con war, celebrating or disdaining Halloween, even to supporting or attacking “Harry Potter.” Many members in different groups insist on their own principles. Arguments are above discussion. Youngsters suffer from adults’ disputes. The behaviors of Eliza and Lucy’s can stimulate us, the grown-ups to think deeper about how we should act in our own lives.


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Kyra saegusa

I would like to purchase about 1lb of worms for a workshop I am holding on Saturday, March 7.
I am located off of north lake avenue and could pick them up any morning next. Please let me know if this is doable. My number is 512-576-5614 or you can email me at thank you.

Kyra Saegusa

Sann Hlaing

I would like to buy a lb or 2 of red wriggler worms.
Please provide price and S&H charges.
The shipping address is 8747 Loftus Dr, Rosemead, CA 91770.
My email address is


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