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These patients can consult with an endocrinologist to weigh the risks and benefits of hormone replacement therapy intended to boost their natural levels of reproductive hormones. In addition to treating patients, endocrinologists may be involved in research to improve the understanding of endocrine system disorders and develop new treatments for these diseases. The endocrine system consists of cells, tissues, and organs that secrete hormones critical to homeostasis.

Ader Pagal

Salsa or enjoying gin rummy your brain's 'electricity grid' lights up like Time Square Chemical messages travel at speeds of up to several hundred kHz from one sensors mobile to the next along 'cables' known as axons Waiting to receive all that details are sensors mobile 'branches' known as dendrites You yourself execute the greater degree in maintaining this network humming According to Robert Logier professor of individual.

Kim Green

Lose Your Spare Tire There is a connection between abdominal fat and the brain. The deeper layer of visceral fat tissues around your waist is like a dynamic organ producing hormones that can cause greater stages of blood insulin.

Dixit Kapoor

Most herbivores require the aid of bacteria to digest cellulose and as a result, they evolved a caecum in the gut that houses bacteria that acts like a fermentation chamber. Some think that the human appendix "devolved" from a larger caecum from our ancient vegetarian ancestors.

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Until the early 1990s, the medical community generally believed that ulcers were caused by several factors, including stress and a poor diet. However, medical researchers soon came to believe that a certain bacterium that can live undetected in the mucous lining of the stomach was responsible. This bacterium irritated and weakened the lining, making it more susceptible to damage by stomach acids.

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