Algae: no. Triops quickly grow bnoeyd the algae-eating stage.Other aquatic plant life: maybe. They're omnivorous; I never tried setting on on an all-vegetarian diet. A problem I've found with Triops is that they tend to be fragile, die for no particular reason, and even when everything seems to be going well, die at about six weeks anyway.A better choice for a biosphere might be either ostracods ( seed shrimp ) or cyclops for fresh water. You can get these critters from pond mud.Near where I live, I used to be able to get small freshwater limpets that would eat biofilm algae. I'd find them on the sides of leaves of water hyacinth.If you're okay with saltwater, you can try brine shrimp.I was resonsible for the rodent section being invented.
Totally awesome place! I went to get worms and found everything I have been looking for to have a truly organic garden. I think I learned more, in the half hour I was there, than I have in the last two years of reading and blogging. Made my day. Thank you!
Valorie Shillington
Hello Dave. I sent you an email and was wondering if you received it ?? In case you did not get it -
I wanted a quote for the Green Lace Wings, 2 pounds of worms and 1500 Lady Bugs to be shipped to me next Monday. Address is for Priority Mail : Valorie Shillington, P.O. Box 88, Datil, NM 87821
My email is: Please send me the quote so we can finalize this order. Thanks much Dave, Valorie
Cathy Rodgers
This was such a great time for the kids and I. Loved your horses and the fish too. Worms are doing great. Thanks.
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Stick with simple pnltas. Add some compost for bacteria and fungi. Set it all up with the lids off for a week or more. Use what stays/arrives. It will probably not gain stability, so don't fret if it cycles out of control and crashes.