We offer Eisenia foetida and/or Eisenia andrei aka; Red Wigglers or Tiger Worms for your vermicomposting needs.
Our Worm Starter Bags include
1000-1250 Red Wigglers. You will receive worms in various stages of maturity known as a bedrun. This will include hatchlings, adolescents, mature
breeders, and cocoon laying adults. Our starter bags weighs out at 1 lb. of happy healthy composting worms. Worms are picked fresh per order, and
include 3 lbs. of an active bedding starter, as well as food for their journey.
We also offer a complete line of supplies for compost and DIY
fertilizers for garden tea brewing.
at Alexander, North Carolina
we live in Calgary Alberta-- we ship worms all over Alberta and N.W.T. Contact us at for a price we ship to a lot of schools
at Calgary, Alberta
Supplier of Worm Bin 360, and all products from Natures Footprint.
Large and Small quantities of Vermicompost can be picked up or delivered.
Red wigglers and European Nightcrawlers, can also get large quantities of Canadian Nightcrawlers
at Woodstock, Ontario
I am located in Sacramento and will do deliveries for $10 extra to outside my city and $5 in-city. I like to help if you have large composting
projects or small. I am a local community guy so I am more interested in your success then in my pocket book. I sell both Red Wigglers,(Eisenia
fetida) and European NIghtcrawlers (Eisenia hortensis) as well as large scale flow -thru worm bins and stackable worm bins, organic planting soils and
bait and feed. We also offer pet poop pick-up services, ask for details. Thanks for making God's planet sustainable for our young and support my
Fishing in The City program for low-income inner city youth. RRR
at sacramento, California
These worms are needed to establish a composting worm farm for a elementary 4H club.
at Natchez, Mississippi
European night crawlers 19.95 LB
at myrtle creek, Oregon
We also offer finished worm castings and worm composting bin systems for home recycling
at Chehalis, Washington
Abono Organico hecho de la Lombriz de California y alimentada de pulpa de cafe y Hotalizas….
at Juayua, Sonsonate
Raises red wigglers, African nightcrawlers and European nightcrawlers
at Georgetown, Texas
red worms convert kitchen waste into a nutrient rich organic fertilizer called vermicompost give it to your house plants or your outdoor
complete care instructions included, worm tubes also available
at high desert, California