We offer redworms by the pound pickup only and fresh worm tea in the spring and through the garden season.Pick up only no shipping.
at asheboro, North Carolina
Also available worm casting in 1-20 lb bags or bulk. Please email or call for pricing
at Center City, Minnesota
SCRAP is a non-profit company specialising in environmental education and practical environmental solutions like reducing waste to landfill through
worm farming. Our programs assist schools and others in the community to avoid, reduce, reuse and recycle waste and conserve other resources. By
purchasing our goods and services people support our programs in educating future generations.
at Sydney, NSW
Worms for composting.
at calagry, alberta
Email is the best mode of contact. We love worms!
at Virginia Beach, Virginia
To provide with the knowledge, materials and worms to start your own vermicomposting project with a worm bin at home or at school
at Thornhill, Ontario
Follow along blog for the Worm Factory. Worm Inn & Worm Inn Mega for sale.
at West Chester, Pennsylvania
eisenia foetidas 28 dollars a pound.
at asheboro, North Carolina
just need info
at Albemarle, North Carolina
Thewormdude.com is Proud Manufacturer of The Worm Inn. You can buy the most Breathable Worm Composting System in the World from Thewormdude.com
at San Jose, California