Suppliers of Red Wigglers (Eisenia foetida and/ or Eisenia andrei) composting worms, earthworm compost, compost teas, compost tea brewing
supplies, bat guano, and soil amendments.
at Alexander, North Carolina
Kompostwürmer, Angelwürmer, Futterwürmer, Wurmhumus
at Minden, Nordrhein Westfalen
Selling Red Wigglers & European Nightcrawlers for use in composting, feeder worms and bait worms.
at Louisville, Georgia
Faço compostagem com eiseina foetida (minhocas vermelhas) à mais de dois anos e com bons resultados, posso partilhar minhocas em poucas
quantidades, vendo a um preço simbólico se for uma quantidade maior, mas não envio minhocas, quem quiser pode vir cá
buscar e aprender a fazer compostagem, responderei a qualquer dúvida.
PS: A EcoTransforma não é uma empresa, é apenas uma
at Tomar, Santarém
Red Worm Farm for recycle kitchen waste.
at Moshav Ben Shemen, Ha'shfela
at Algarve, São Bartolomeu de Messines
Selling Red Wigglers, Worm Castings, Compost Blends, T-shirts and More!
at Apex, North Carolina
What an adventure! This Spring we were visited by thousands of earthworms enjoying the rich Wells County top soil. Our land had been in Conservation
Reserve Program for 10 years. This field was an exception. They were attracted to our certified organic vegetable and herb production area. As we
weeded we discovered that Wormwood not only smells wonderful as it is removed, there usually are some worms tangled in their roots. The worms were
trapped on top of the weed-barrier cloth that protects our Echinacea Purpura, also known as Purple Coneflower. It was fun to harvest these plentiful
worms and create a worm farm for them to enjoy. I am sure as the days got hotter the soil would dry out and they would have perished. Now they are
in a place created for them to flourish. We now have a compost production aspect to our farm.
at Fessenden, North Dakota
$30 per pound local, shipping negotiable depending on location
at Surrey, British Columbia
We are an environmental non-profit that supports our work through the sale of composting worms, worm tea and worm castings of the highest quality.
at Homestead, Florida