Red Wigglers $24.00 pd plus $11.00 shipping [USA only]
at villa rica ga, Georgia
Worm bins, Worm tea kits, Harvesters, Saturday class's, Purina worm chow, Dolmetic lime, Diotamatios earth, oyster shells,minnows and crickets
at Dawsonville, Georgia
I raise european nightcrawlers for fishing and red worms for composting. Friends, if you want the best worm for catching the big ones. You come to
the right place! These worms live longer on your hook, have more action than other worms, and fatter which fish love. 15-18 worms in each container
for only 4 bucks. You get more when you buy from American Night Crawlers! Give me a call today! Kurt 248-933-WORM (9676)
at Royal Oak, Michigan
Red wiggler worms/eisienia fetida for composting . Raised in home bins eating food scraps and living in shredded paper bedding so there is no
adjustment period to a home bin. We've raised red wigglers for 30 years.
at Princeton, Massachusetts
Please supply info regarding purchasing compost worms in my locality.
at Belmont, California
Bulk orders of red wigglers are available of up to 100 lbs of Eisenia Fotida.
at Richland Center, Wisconsin
Hobby Breeder, limited supply. Can acomodate 5lb orders.
at Rochester, Washington
Red Wigglers Composting suppies
at Mission, bc
at PHELAN, California
Wormpost Vermont (formerly Wormpost Northeast) is a worm farm located in Morristown, Vermont. We convert organics such as kitchen, paper and pet
wastes into worm manure or "castings". Our product line includes worms, worm bins, and worm composting kits.
at Morristown, Vermont